Using new media technologies I was able to work on constructing, researching, planning and evaluating my products for my advanced portfolio.
The reason for our research was to solve any new or existing problems, prove any new ideas, develop new theories or changing ways we went about things when constructing our media products. One technology we used frequently was Youtube. We used Youtube in order to view other videos of the same genre. Having the option to do this made us more aware of our typical target audience and what we needed to change or keep so we were able to reach out and attract this audience. Via Youtube we were also able to upload our own videos, such as our preliminary task and our storyboard/anamatic where anybody was able to comment. This meant if they had any opinions or better ideas they had the option to share them with us, because ultimately they’re the ones our project is aimed too so this was something useful which helped connect us to our target audience. I also used Youtube to embed videos onto my blog to record research so that it was permanent. This meant that when I did research on my own, the rest of my group were able to see what I had done, such as finding videos from different genres of music analysed how image is constructed and technical conventions of editing, camera work and mise-en-scene which I used a Youtube video of Rihanna-'Only Girl in the World' for compared with Funeral Party who were similar artisits to our preliminary task. This helped my final product because I was able to use some of the technical conventions in my own music video.
Blogger also came to use as we were able to keep an online planner, which made things much easier to organise. As it was online it meant that one person in our group did not have to carry it round with the chance of losing it, it was permanent. It also meant adding new information was much more flexible as every member in our group was able to access the blog and add their new found research which made things much easier and faster.
When planning for our music video we used a graphics editing program called Photoshop. With this editing software I was able to take photographs of our band members and blend their heads into bodies found from Google Images in order to find out what our band would look like on the day of shooting with their costumes on. By doing this we came to realise that the clothes we had told them to wear did not conform to their band image.
This made things smoother on the shoot day as we were able to tell them in advance to bring a change in clothes which saved us time. Photoshop also came in very useful when designing and creating out Digipak and poster. Photoshop allowed us to be very flexible, things were easily changed and adjusted till we were satisfied with our final products. The only difficulty we had with Photoshop is a couple of members in our group were not familiar with it which meant we had to use some of our planning to teach the others the basics.
I also used Photoshop for codes and conventions of a digipak and advertisement. I got a picture of digipak, uploaded it to Photoshop. This enabled me to label it easily, such as production details. This helped me when creating my own digipak as I was able to follow the key elements in order to create a successful digipak.
The main technology we used for construction was Final Cut pro which enabled smooth transitions and after effects. Using after effects allowed us to create imagery which is made to make the viewer feel slightly uncomfortable, such as the mirror editing which was created to make things more interesting, to catch the viewer’s attention. Final Cut pro was advanced and as a group we were able to work together, experimenting with different techniques until we found one we were all satisfied with.
With the evaluation of our final product, Blogger was a new media technology which we used. Using Blogger we were able to distribute our music video via Youtube. This was permanent and meant we were distributing our product worldwide. Blogger was flexible and I was able to update my blog and write about the different things we did to get our final product.
This is our director's commentary, which we recorded our creative decisions made and how we were able to do these, played along side our music video, 'Warrior's Dance'.
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